Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) oversees the accreditation process and academic program registration at Malaysia Qualification Register (MQR) for UiTM. Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) was formally established in March 2017 in line with the conferment of Self-Accreditation status to UiTM on 2 January 2017. IQA is responsible for assuring the UiTM's academic programme meet the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) Code of Practice for Programme Accreditation (COPPA) standard, Malaysian Qualification Framework (MQF) and respective MQA programme standards requirements, thus enable accreditation. IQA is placed under the direct purview of the Assistant Vice Chancellor of InQKA.
The main tasks performed by IQA are:
- Academic Programme Evaluation for Accreditation Purposes
- Assessing Curriculum Review Document to ensure compliance to MQA COPPA, MQF and respective MQA programme standard
- Site Visit to New Location to Ensure Programme Educational Resources and Support Services are sufficient and comply to the MQA COPPA, MQF and respective MQA programme standard requirements.
- Facilitates Submission of Accreditation Application to Professional Body and Registration at Malaysian Qualification Register (MQR)
- Evaluate the Capacity and Capability of Partner Institution for Transnational Education
Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) oversees the accreditation process and academic program registration at Malaysia Qualification Register (MQR) for UiTM. Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) was formally established in March 2017 in line with the conferment of Self-Accreditation status to UiTM on 2 January 2017. IQA is responsible for assuring the UiTM's academic programme meet the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) Code of Practice for Programme Accreditation (COPPA) standard, Malaysian Qualification Framework (MQF) and respective MQA programme standards requirements, thus enable accreditation. IQA is placed under the direct purview of the Assistant Vice Chancellor of InQKA.
The main tasks performed by IQA are:
- Academic Programme Evaluation for Accreditation Purposes
- Assessing Curriculum Review Document to ensure compliance to MQA COPPA, MQF and respective MQA programme standard
- Site Visit to New Location to Ensure Programme Educational Resources and Support Services are sufficient and comply to the MQA COPPA, MQF and respective MQA programme standard requirements.
- Facilitates Submission of Accreditation Application to Professional Body and Registration at Malaysian Qualification Register (MQR)
- Evaluate the Capacity and Capability of Partner Institution for Transnational Education