Quality Management, Innovation and Operational Excellence



Q1:   What is Self-Review Report (SRR)?

A1:   The Self-Review Report (SRR) is an evaluation of PTJ's performance based on the institution or program in meeting all internal and external requirements periodically to identify and improve flaws in the system. The result of Self Review is SRR which is the main reference material for External Review (ER).

How is SRR’s report prepared?

A2:   SSR’s report MUST be produced periodically annually based on guidelines from InQKA using eSRR. Top management MUST examine, discuss and take action on problems found.

Who is responsible for submitting the SRR?

A3:   The Chief Quality Officer (CQO) namely the Dean/Rector/Head of Center is fully responsible for sending the approved SRR to InQKA.

How should the SRR be sent to InQKA?

A4:   CQO needs to send an e-mail notification of report delivery together with a link to the eSRR folder on Google Drive (GD) that has been designated as Sharing with SKKO to qsoe.inqka@uitm.edu.my.

When does the PTJ have to send the Self-Review Report (SRR)?

A5:   The SRR for the previous year must be sent to InQKA no later than March 31 of the current year.

         Example: SRR Faculty of Accounting Year 2022, the final date of submission is March 31, 2023.

When will the Integrated Quality Management System (iQMS) External Review be conducted?

A6:   iQMS External Evaluation will be conducted in every lecture week and each cycle lasts for 2 years. The implementation schedule can be referred via this link https://inqka.uitm.edu.my/index.php/service-english/quality-management-system-and-operational-excellence#schedule.

Can PTJ organize an Internal Audit Course and obtain a certificate from InQKA?

A7:   Yes, PTJ can organize Internal Audit Courses. The certificate must be obtained from InQKA by sending an official letter to the Assistant Vice Chancellor of InQKA. InQKA will appoint the speakers and prepare the course modules.

Q8:   Are participants who did not pass the Internal Audit Course test eligible to be appointed as Auditors?

A8:   Participants who did not pass the Internal Audit Course test cannot be appointed as Auditors because the courses and tests given aimed to assess the level of competence of the participants to become an Auditor.



Q1:   What is the difference between Operational Excellence (OE) and Innovative and Creative Group (KIK)?

A1:   OE focuses on improving the work process while KIK focuses on innovations produced to improve and increase the efficiency of management.

Q2:   When is the deadline for providing OE information in the Online Process Improvement Register (OPIR) system?

A2:   The OE information can be updated and uploaded into the OPIR system no later than December 31 for each current year.

Q3:   When will the OE assessment be conducted?

A3:   The current year's OE evaluation process will be conducted from July to October of the following year.

        Example: The submitted OE 2021 is evaluated in July 2022.

Q4:   How is the appointment of an Operational Excellence Trainer (OE Trainer) made?

A4:   The appointment of OE Trainer is made by InQKA after the relevant staff attended the Operational Excellence course organized by InQKA. 


Q5:   How to access the OPIR system?

A5:   To access the OPIR system, staff need to provide the staff number to SKKO so that their name can be registered in the system. The system can be accessed by all OE Trainers, KUKs and Heads of Department via https://opir.uitm.edu.my/ using UiTM SSO ID and password.

Q6:   How many members for OE team?

A6:   The number of OE team members depends on PTJ's needs to implement the improvement of a work process. However, InQKA suggests the appropriate number of members for a work process is 6 people.

Q7:   How should OE’s report be done?

A7:   OE’s report must be completed in the OPIR system along with supporting documents that have been verified by the Head of Department. This reporting consists of PTJ Planning and Initiatives, OE Outcomes and Impact of work process improvement.

Q8:   What documents need to be uploaded into the OPIR System?

A8:   The documents that need to be uploaded must be relevant to support the report such as excerpts from meeting minutes, appointment letters, photos and reports that have been verified by the Head of Department. The maximum limit for one proof document is 1MB.


Contact Us

Institut Kualiti dan Pengembangan Ilmu (InQKA)
Aras 5, Kompleks Al-Farabi,
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
40450 Shah Alam, Selangor

Website Inquiry:
Webmaster: inqka@uitm.edu.my

Tel: +603-5543 5702
Fax: +603-5543 5721